Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Registers ARM

Processor Modes

The ARM has six operating modes:
  • User (unprivileged mode under which most tasks run)
  • FIQ (entered when a high priority (fast) interrupt is raised)
  • IRQ (entered when a low priority (normal) interrupt is raised)
  • Supervisor (entered on reset and when a Software Interrupt instruction is executed)
  • Abort (used to handle memory access violations)
  • Undef(used to handle undefined instructions)

ARM Architecture Version 4 adds a seventh mode:
System (privileged mode using the same registers as user mode)

The Registers

  • ARM has 37 registers in total, all of which are 32-bits long.
  1 dedicated program counter
  1 dedicated current program status register
  5 dedicated saved program status registers
  30 general purpose registers

  • However these are arranged into several banks, with the accessible bank being governed by the processor mode. Each mode can access
a particular set of r0-r12 registers
a particular r13 (the stack pointer) and r14 (link register)
r15 (the program counter)
cpsr (the current program status register)
and privileged modes can also access
    a particular spsr (saved program status register)

Register Organisation

Accessing Registers using ARM Instructions

  • No breakdown of currently accessible registers.
  • All instructions can access r0-r14 directly.
  • Most instructions also allow use of the PC.
  • Specific instructions to allow access to CPSR and SPSR.
  • Note : When in a privileged mode, it is also possible to load / store the (banked out) user mode registers to or from memory.

The Program Status Registers (CPSR and SPSRs):

Condition Code Flags:
N = Negative result from ALU flag.
Z = Zero result from ALU flag.
C = ALU operation Carried out
V = ALU operation oVerflowed

Interrupt Disable bits.
I = 1, disables the IRQ.
F = 1, disables the FIQ.

Mode Bits
M[4:0] define the processor mode.

T Bit      (Architecture v4T only)
T = 0, Processor in ARM state
T = 1, Processor in Thumb state

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